Returns Policy

Missing Items

We understand receiving your order on time and in good condition is important to you; it’s equally important to us! We do absolutely everything possible to ship and deliver your order on time and in perfect condition.

Please contact our customer care team within 7 days of receiving your order at with your order confirmation number in the subject line so we can find your order easily and process your request promptly.

Incorrect or Faulty Products

If you have received incorrect, damaged or faulty items, please provide details (including photos) within 7 days of receiving the item/s. We will verify whether you are entitled to replacement new products, and provide instructions accordingly. Please contact our customer care team at and include your order confirmation number in the subject line so we can find your order easily and process your request promptly. Items must be returned in their original condition; no refund can be made for products that have been used. 

*We don't offer refunds or accept returns for change of mind, including a satisfaction guarantee as everyone's skin is different and therefore results may vary.